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The Hawai'i Geographic Information Coordinating Council (HIGICC) is a private non-profit 501(c)(3) organization consisting of members of Hawai'i's geospatial community. Our goal is to provide coordination of geospatial activities among a wide range of users in order to avoid duplication of effort, promote data sharing, and maintain data standards throughout the state. 

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HIGICC provides opportunities to network with other GIS professionals in Hawaii and the Pacific.

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Tax-deductible Donations can be directed towards the Mark Lierman Scholarship, GIS Day activities, or the HIGICC general fund.

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  • 23 Sep 2021 3:23 PM | Christine Chaplin

    This just in from the University of Hawaii at Manoa's Department of Geography & Environment:  HawaiiView is pleased to release the 30-m spatial resolution forest height map for the island of Oahu (https://hawaiiview.org/data/l2fhm/), predicted using Landsat-8 cloud-free mosaic and calibrated using airborne lidar data. 

    The forest height map is unique in that 1) it is continuous, instead of categorical (e.g., the existing USGS products), and 2) it was calibrated using massive airborne lidar data. 

    Feedback on the dataset is sought, please contact Professor Qi Chen at qichen@hawaii.edu

  • 17 May 2021 12:23 PM | Christine Chaplin

    Recently at the HIGICC meeting, USDA (GEO Branch) made a presentation on a new upcoming Hawaiian Islands ImageServer Service.  I just want to announce that USDA (GEO) has went live with a new Hawaiian Island’s ImageServer Service on 5/11/2021.  Yesterday, I asked USGS, Census, State of Hawaii and the University of Hawaii-Hilo to test the new USDA (GEO) service.  All tested the service successfully. 

    The following are links to the new service:

    Hawaii Public Image Service:https://nrcsgeoservices.sc.egov.usda.gov/arcgis/rest/services/ortho_imagery/hawaii_vivid/ImageServer

    Hawaii Public Metadata Service: https://nrcsgeoservices.sc.egov.usda.gov/arcgis/rest/services/ortho_imagery/hawaii_vivid_metadata/MapServer


    The imagery listed above is available to the general public.   This service cannot be resold as a service by a third party.  The data is licensed from Maxar-DigitalGlobe. It is 50 cm, four bands of orthoimagery mostly from 2019 and 2020.   Maxar allows USDA to serve this data to the general public as long as the publicly available ImageServer service does not allow a data download function. 

  • 16 Apr 2021 9:25 AM | Craig Clouet

    The HIGICC is happy to announce the annual Scholarship. Please forward this information to any student in Higher Education in Hawaii.


  • 05 Nov 2020 10:50 AM | Christine Chaplin

    GPS on Bench Marks

    Help improve the National Spatial Reference System (NSRS) and prepare for the NSRS modernization in 2022 by participating in the GPS on Bench Marks (GPS on BM) for the Transformation Tool campaign. Your efforts will support the following objectives:

    • Improve the 2022 Transformation Tool, which will enable conversions from current vertical datums to the North American-Pacific Geopotential Datum of 2022 (NAPGD2022) and will be integrated into the NGS Coordinate Conversion and Transformation Tool (NCAT).
    • Update Passive Control Status: mark recoveries and shared solutions provide NGS and other users of the NSRS with insight into the health of the passive control network and updated information for project planning.
    • Automatic Reprocessing in 2022: Shared data will be automatically reprocessed and given new coordinates after the NSRS modernization occurs in 2022.


    Recover, Observe, Report

    Regardless of your objective, GPS on BM will always include three important steps: recover, observe, and report.

    Recover: Using web maps or other desktop tools to look up the description of an existing bench mark and visit the bench mark of your choice and submit a mark recovery.

    Observe: Record field notes, take digital photos, and collect GPS observations for the bench mark you visit.

    Report: Use online tools to send the information to NGS.

  • 09 Mar 2020 1:07 PM | Christine Chaplin

    On the evening of March 6th, we gathered to celebrate the 20th year of HIGICC!  The event was well attended and enjoyed by all.  Mahalo to everyone who is a part of HIGICC.

  • 13 Dec 2019 7:21 AM | Craig Clouet

    A group of HIGICC members and friends attended this weeks UAS workshop out at the RC airfield in Kailua. It was a great get together and there was a lot of sharing of knowledge and experience. So many people are using UAS for work, it was great to share. Below are some pictures. Thanks to NOAA and Dudek for bringing some drones and sensors.

  • 12 Nov 2019 1:28 PM | Christine Chaplin

    Call for Proposals - University Consortium for Geographic Information Science Symposium

    For the first time ever, the University Consortium for Geographic Information Science (UCGIS.org), the national hub for the GIScience academic community will be holding our annual Symposium in Honolulu at the end of May 2020.

    While the program will be academic in nature, our plan for the program is to provide an interesting collection of thematically coherent sessions on a broad range of topics that each combine presentations on basic research in GIScience plus related education and application issues.

    Since Hawaii is my home and I’m President, I have decreed that we will make the Saturday afternoon available as a half day registration specifically for the Hawaii professional GIS community. We’ll offer 2 or 3 of these sessions followed by a Pau Hana when you can mingle with GIS professors, grad students and researchers from across the US. I realize many of our local professionals did not get the chance to study GIS in college, so this will give you some idea of what’s going on in the Ivory Tower these days.

    We are still putting together the program, and have an open call out (deadline this Friday 11/15!) to the academic community. In an effort to get as much local content as possible, and since I know that many of you support the work of scientists from various universities across the US, I thought I’d see if any of you might have some academic colleagues you might engage in preparing a proposal.

    Please get in touch with me if you want to bounce ideas for proposals. Deadline is Friday! Sorry for the short notice.


    Karen K. Kemp, Ph.D. GISP

    Professor Emerita of the Practice of Spatial Sciences

    Spatial Sciences Institute

    USC Dana and David Dornsife

    College of Letters, Arts and Sciences

    University of Southern California

    President, UCGIS 2019-2020

    Hawai’i Tel: +1 (808) 987-8788

    kakemp@usc.edu   spatial.usc.edu




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